Days of My Life
Just a place where I can pen down my thoughts about everything and anything..a lot about my life and what makes me, ME. Sincerely believe in God and His great love for humankind. God is love!!
I'm Back...

Hey people...sorry for the long absence. Was in Cameron Highlands attending Camp Cameron la...told you all about it di wat...anywayz, I'm back now afetr 3 weeks in the cold weather where I was seriously freezing to death..really, really cold ok.
Camp Cameron was so absolutely wonderful!! Had so much of fun with my chalet family. I was the 'mama' for my chalet..can you believe it?haha..had a 'husband' plus 11 kids! Also included in the family were 2 grandparents & 2 was a crazy family.
It was so great that all of us who are so different came together and had so much of fun plus managed to stay together for 3 weeks without killing each other..hehe. They've all inspired and encouraged me in so many different ways that I owe so much to them...sigh.
My 'daughters' were so great..I actually tucked them in once in a while..haha. Especially enjoyed the midnight gossips with my roomies-Shelby, Wai Kuan, Kai Lee & Lee Teng. My 'sons' however were 3 different species altogether. One son was really nice..always washed up the pots after mealsfor me. Another son was so sweet..bought me cactus & sunflower seeds to eat when he discovered that I loved them so much. Then the other one was my 'naughty son'. Always feels rejected cos I scold him all the time..papa does too.
But really, in that 3 weeks, we've come to understand and love one another in little ways which only we can understand...can't wait to meet you guys again. So thanks to Grandpa Micheal, Grandma Grace, Aunty Evelin, Aunty Esther, Papa Wee Kee, Sze Lyn, Mee Sing, Jane, Jojo, Shelby, Wai Kuan, Kai Lee, Lee Teng, Simon, Ah Leow & Manfred..will miss you guys a lot!